what will the future bring?

have had a.... boring day i must say. i usually dont have boring days in london! :o
i went to topshop today and bought some things.. i have to say.. that i am kinda putt off by abercrombie.. i dont know why.. i just dont find ther things as nice as i did before..

on sunday me and nadine had an amaaazing day, we ate at snog :D haha and we did loads of random things.

tomorrow i am meeting loads of friends for probably the last time in aaggeeesss :( i am meeting.
nadine, sid, mailini, olivia ( and her friend lindzey), jess and lilli.....  yey..

we are going to westfield, the biggest shopping mall in europ, it is AMAZING! ITS SO BIG!
they have everything..

soo here are some pictures of my fabuloso day with nadsipoo

amazing day!

and i have to finish the ´inlägg with picture of my lover´


peace out home dawg!
x peace and love on a corncob! x


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